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From Liberty to Magnolia: In Search of the American Dream (New Edition)

Purchase BooksNEW EDITION: A Powerful, Compelling, and Inspiring True Story for Women, Minorities, and Young Adults From the perch of poverty, farm life, family, and the confining community in which Janice Ellis grew up, she found her sense of purpose and determination to change things, to make them better. It was there that she gained an initial understanding of the importance of ethics and values, justice and equality, and caring for humanity in fostering a good society. Her life experiences, during some very turbulent periods in an ever-evolving America, have profoundly shaped her work and writings—providing the grist, mission, authority, and authenticity required to become one’s best self. May you, as you learn of her trials and triumphs, be inspired to live your best self, too. A Discussion Guide is included for use by book clubs, classes, and group forums.

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Using My Word Power: Advocating for a More Civilized Society, Book I

Cover of Using My Word Power: Advocating for a More Civilized Society, Book 1 This is Book I, Ethics and Values (2022), of three books in the Real Advocacy Journalism® series. It has received great editorial reviews from Kirkus Reviews, Midwest Book Reviews, Chanticleer International Book Reviews and more. As a collection, the selected commentaries, which were written for a large radio station, a major metropolitan daily newspaper, community newspapers, and online publications, are timely – and timeless – snapshots of history. My hope is that in sharing my attempts to improve understanding about issues that impact us all that you will be informed, enlightened, inspired and have reaffirmation that in addition to our beliefs, our words and actions are what advance a more civilized and better society.

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Using My Word Power: Advocating for a More Civilized Society, Book II

Cover of Using My Word Power: Advocating for a More Civilized Society, Book II This is Book II, Patriotism and Politics (2024), of three books in the Real Advocacy Journalism® series. Book III will address Justice and Equality. I have been an advocate journalist for the past four decades. The writings of an advocate journalist always boil down, directly or indirectly, intentionally or unintentionally, to a plea—imploring the reader or listener to think, to consider the facts, the circumstances, the workable solutions for the issues at hand, and when appropriate and necessary to engage in action. No matter the political environment or leadership, this is what sustains and advances democracy. All commentaries, written over the decades, have been chosen for their enduring relevancy in terms of their subject matter’s timeliness or timelessness. Many represent historical accounts of defining moments, incidents, and issues that have had lasting impacts and lessons learned during America’s history.

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Shaping Public Opinion: How Real Advocacy Journalism Should Be Practiced

Purchase BooksShaping Public Opinion: How Real Advocacy Journalism Should Be Practiced revisits the writings of one of the foremost and influential journalists and political columnists of the last one-hundred years. Walter Lippmann’s writings contain much wisdom and instruction that can be applied by practitioners and observers of public and political discourse. It is hoped that this book will introduce, re-introduce, or serve as a reminder of just how great and meaningful Lippmann’s sketches were, how much they shed light, back then, and how they can illumine a path for us to rise above the political messaging morass in which we find ourselves today.

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From Liberty to Magnolia: In Search of the American Dream

Purchase BooksFrom Liberty to Magnolia: In Search of the American Dream is the real-life story of the remarkable journey of a black woman who has lived, and continues to live, the “chicken-egg” dilemma in navigating American society. Which comes first? Is she black and happens to be a woman? Is she a woman who happens to black? It covers her early life as a farm girl born and bred in the bowels and bastion of Southern racism, who found words and books her friends, her constant companions, her ticket out of a life that could have confined and limited what or whom she could be. It paints the portrait of the person she has become, the indelible birthmarks of being a black and a woman notwithstanding, because she truly believed that achieving her dreams were possible, irrespective of her race or sex.

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