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November 22, 2014
Holiday Seasons Lasting Meaning
December 22, 2014By Janice S. Ellis, Ph.D., Kansas City, MO –
Thanksgiving means thoughtfulness and thankfulness in ways that too frequently get lost in the day-to-day demands of life.
For some, Thanksgiving provides a “break in the activity” so to speak. But it also symbolizes the beginning of a lengthy holiday season with the two huge ones, Christmas and New Year’s’ following suit.
For many people Thanksgiving means thoughtfulness, preparing a lavish meal with all the trimmings and trappings for friends and family. You begin to bemuse and wonder why you indulged yourself, after feasting until your belly literally feels distended or either you think it surely will from all the intake of calories.

Thanksgiving means thoughtfulness. Photo Credit: imgfave.com
But what else does Thanksgiving mean? Thanksgiving means thoughtfulness. How many people bother to look at the things in our lives we should actually be grateful for? How many people bother to look around at others in need to share what we have with them? Sharing does not always mean giving items that are material or tangible. However, for those who are without food, clothes and shelter, such items will definitely be a useful and welcomed gift.
Thanksgiving Means Thoughtfulness
But what about the psychological, love, and tender care needs all around you? What is your attitude and interaction with older members of your immediate family, aunts, uncles, grandma, and grandpa? Have you visited with them, lately – before the Thanksgiving holiday and will it continue after the holiday? Have you picked up the phone to tell them you were thinking of them? Have you shared a meal, a hug? They may merely enjoy a visit, a conversation that is good, just some time–a little time from those they adore. What about our parents, our siblings, our children, our partners?
What about those you live with regularly, those sitting right around the table with you? You might not know how they are really doing. Have you had a quiet relaxed time with any of them recently to discover what kinds of things in their own lives they are happy about, what matters they aren’t? Have you bothered to let your parents know, and remind them, that if they have a problem you are there for them?
Jobs, school, vehicles, simply socializing with the world can take its toll on all folks. Too often we lose sight of the mental and physical well-being of those we love and hold dearest – despite texting, Facebook, Twitter, Skype and all the ways at our disposal to stay connected.
With all the means to remain connected and communicate, are we actually?
Every family member’s load cannot be heavier when it’s discussed through ongoing communication, through showing each other you are there to help in any way you can and that you care.
So let Thanksgiving be a time to be thoughtful and to be thankful. But also let it be a time to be sensitive about those around us each day that we too often take for granted and too frequently discount.
Use this “rest in the activity” to catch up on those you love. Give some considerate time, if you cannot give materially or food, simply give your time.
Joyful Thanksgiving. Happy family unity and love, and allow it to go as far and as wide as you are able.
Thanksgiving means thoughtfulness.
Thanksgiving means thoughtfulness.
Originally publisher in November 2013
Edited and Reprinted with Permission of USAonRace.com