Cheating To Be Admitted to Prestigious Colleges and Universities
March 19, 2019
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March 28, 2019Every Qualified Student Deserves An Equal Opportunity For Admission
When it comes to achieving a college or university education, it has been a trusted tenet that every qualified student deserves an equal opportunity for admission to the school of his or her choice. The recent revelation that hundreds, if not thousands, of students gained admission to some of the nation’s purportedly best schools because their parents illegally paid someone shakes that tenet to the core.
Well-endowed parents chose to bypass the demands of hard work, diligent study, the development of athletic skills in exchange for paying a bribe to get their son or daughter admitted to a prestigious school. The recent scandal is about high-profiled schools. What about other institutions of higher learning? How broad spread is this criminal behavior?
While you may believe that every qualified student deserves an equal opportunity for admission to the college or university of their choice, imagine the many that have been denied. Denied not because they were not very qualified, but denied because of their status.

Every Qualified Student Deserves An Equal Opportunity For Admission
Photo Credit: csmonitor.com
Many students continue to be denied because of being born into middle or lower class households, or being a member of a minority group, and yes, even gender. All too often, high school graduates who have worked hard for years to get into a college or university are denied for reasons other than their academic qualification.
What a travesty. What a shame. Some of the same people who cheat the system or fail to be outraged about those who do are often the loudest to rail against Affirmative Action.
Affirmative Action measures were put in place as an effort to even the playing field. To try to remedy decades and centuries of practices that denied blacks, and now other minorities, equal access to a quality education.
Affirmative Action is deemed terrible, but privilege, bypassing the rules, and cheating are not?
It will be interesting to watch what will really be done as a result of this illegal cheating scandal that has rocked our higher education institution. More importantly, how far-reaching and broad spread will the investigation reveal?
Every qualified student deserves an equal opportunity for admission to the school or university of their choice. That is a basic tenet of what it means to be an American citizen.
Feature Photo: blogs.ptc.com
I think that admission to schools should be based on the aptitude of the students and should not be based on their family income. Many of the students might not be well off financially but are bright and intelligent.
I never knew how severe the scandal was in the selection process. I agree, that every student deserves equal access to the school of their choice.
Its sad that education has been used to propagate inequality and even racism. The rich use their money to secure best education schools and hence get the best jobs, while the poor who are not able to bribe their way up, continue to be poor.
Everyone deserves access to quality education. If we wanna improve the quality of life for all and help make this world a better place, we have to address the problems at their roots.
I believe that having an opportunity especially to those less forunate but are truly deserving should have an equal rights for admission. Education should not only for those who can afford to pay but it should be for each and everyone of us.
I remember watching that scandal unfold and I wondered what values we are teaching our children today. I am very angry thinking of the deserving students who were turned away due to these parents actions and where they would be now or how they would be changing our society for the better.
It happens much here in my country. It’s good to encourage the intelligent cohort to freely choose where they want to study. It’s the right of each citizen.
I think this problem occurs in almost every country and it is indeed very difficult to overcome. Some parties act arbitrarily and break the rules as they please. I certainly hope that one day there will be a change towards a better one than all of this.
This must be considered as a crime. Illegal paying of parents for their children’s education? This contributes to the corruption we have in this time and age.
Every student must have the education want. This is best for the future.
The state of living doesn’t sum up one person’s identity. A student who wants to study and work hard for it must be given his/her right to education.
The idea of the rich wanting to bypass hard work and bribe their way to prestigious institutions is literally everywhere. This is so unfair, as it denies the poor an equal opportunity to compete with the rich.
Definitely everyone deserved to have the needed opportunity to be in school especially if they have met the requirement. Godfatherism should be condemned everywhere.
Yes, I also agree with you. How unfair for the qualified students to be denied just because they are born from lower class family? This is a shame to universities and colleges that tolerate this.
I absolutely agree! If a student is qualified, then they should be able to be admitted to a school right?
This is novel to me..America is a first world nation and I believe their is freedom..Are you saying at this era,some people are still denied admission because of their skin colour or social status?..I’m gobsmacked..life is truly not fair
I agree since Education is a right and a privileged that people should have, regardless of race and country. That is why when I see governments who says that they drag kids to school from the streets. All I can have is admiration. A government that puts a premium in schools are a good one.
You just pinpoint what goes on in the educational system in my country. Brilliant students are not given the opportunity because they have no money to pay through for admission. This is really appalling.