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September 28, 2018
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March 19, 2019In Search of the American Dream Being Black and Woman
From Liberty to Magnolia: In Search of the American Dream being black and woman is a book about how racism and sexism make it difficult, and in some instances impossible, to achieve dreams and goals no matter how hard you work or prepare yourself.
The book is a true, powerful, and compelling story about the enduring scourge of racism and sexism in America. It is a personal account of how that bane of evil plays out in the lives of blacks and women despite the great promise of the American Dream being available to and achievable by everyone. It shows how, more often than not, access to the playing field and the rules of the game are not equally and fairly applied among men and women, blacks and whites, even when they come prepared with equal or better qualifications and value sets to play the game.
In search of the American Dream being black and woman can be a very difficult undertaking on both a professional and personal level. One can find themselves in a perpetual state of proving… The main character in the book persists, never giving up, no matter what is thrown at her.
In Search of the American Dream Being Black and Woman

In Search of the American Dream Being Black and Woman
This book is also hopeful, filled with expectancy. From Liberty to Magnolia will help decent and fair-minded Americans—America as a nation—see how the country has been and continues to be enslaved by its own sense of freedom. This sense of freedom is one that boasts and finds it acceptable to persistently disrespect, deny, marginalize, and minimize the value of two of its largest and greatest assets—women and people of color—when there is overwhelming evidence throughout the landscape that shows America has everything to gain by embracing two groups that make up the majority of its citizenry.
From Liberty to Magnolia: In Search of the American Dream is written for Americans from all walks of life. Those Americans who care deeply about how our great nation can become even greater if we boldly and courageously face our internal, crippling, and unnecessary fear. The fear that we stand to lose rather than gain by embracing and extending mutual respect and supporting equal rights and equal opportunity for our fellow citizens regardless of their race or gender. In search of the American Dream being black and woman can be daunting.
The book is a beacon for all who are concerned about America’s future and who want America’s children of all colors to realize their full potential. It will inform the racists and non-racists, the sexists and non-sexists. It will inspire and empower men and women who are in positions that can make a difference and have the will to do so. They include parents, teachers, policy makers, social and human rights activists, journalists, business leaders, faith leaders, and many others. Caring Americans, working together, can break the chains of racism and sexism that keep America bound.
In Search of the American Dream being black and woman requires a strong faith, resilience and a steadfast belief in America’s promises. The American Dream should be available to all American citizens.
Feature Photo Credit: Telisa Hassen
The American dream is not a reservation of a few privileged individuals but rather something that all of us regardless of race, gender, political or religious affiliation. This book drives home a very important message that everyone should understand.
I hope this book will inspire and empower men and women who are in positions that can make a difference to do so. It is a great step forward in the right direction.
Access to the playing field and the rules of the game are not equally and fairly applied among men and women, blacks and whites. This is very true and it shouldn’t at all be the case in this day and age. It’s a shame.
I’m glad that your book paves the way for our children, regardless of their sex or skin color to realize their full potential. It is a very noble cause and God bless you abundantly for this.
A good story on all the difficulties faced by minority groups in the United States. It’s great to see people taking an interest in this and I hope it will Sparks the needed fire and it will not quench still the right effects is taken.
Yes we are all after the American dream I hope it will not elude us forever. This book is here when it most needed.
Kudos to Janice for writing such an inspiring book. I’m sure it will help bring about equal rights and opportunity for all races and genders alike. It should also motivate other young writers to share their stories of overcoming adversity.
There is no single argument that can be used to justify racism or gender inequality. It’s great to hear women who are mostly affected come out and speak their minds.
This book is really empowering to both men and women. It’s for anyone who cares about social justice.
Many thanks for this being a positive voice in the community as well as for women everywhere! We need more people like you fighting the good fight!
Thank you for recommending this! It’s already hard being a woman as it is in the world now and being a POC is an added burden. I will be sure to check out this book soon.
It really appalling that in a century like this the black women are still having to go through racism and sexism. I hope things get better soon.
I’m excited about this book and I’m sure others are too. It a really a book of interest since it will be touching the vital problem of the society.
The scourge of racism and sexism in America has gotten to a toxic level. I’m glad to see someone raising awareness about this.
Being black and woman can be a very difficult undertaking on both a professional and personal level. These sentiments are very true and its high time society woke up to this damning reality.
As a person concerned about America’s future, I think your book hits all the right spots. It is very worthy of a read 🙂
America is indeed enslaved by its own sense of freedom. The time for change is now!
Good one now we all know the stereotype have to go and women given a better chance now. Where can this be ordered from?
What an incredible book, I just like the way everything Everyone needed to know will be exposed. I hope to have a copy of this and maybe order too for friends.
Yes you should continue to promote this book to increase awareness. I hope it gets distributed here and when it does I will grab a copy. Thar way I could support you even in a small way.
Thank you for sharing your story. Discrimination will always be part of human nature although we can minimize it greatly. With that said, with this book you are slowly realizing your dream even in a foreign land. I respect that.
Sounds like a great book for equity in America and all across the world. I think having a “never give-up” mantra is very important for anyone who is oppressed or marginalized. I hope this book inspires a lot of hope for disadvantaged groups.
This white supremacy mentality should stop. What matters are not your race let alone your skin but how you make a difference in the world. At least that is how it should be.
It has always been the dream of the black race to be liberated. I hope this book will help bring the needed succor. Can we have the soft copy to read too.
It is sad that even in this day and age petty things like color still exist. Why cant we just see people for what they are. Society needs to be better than this.
I just like the foundation and what it stands for and I know the blacks will be Happy about this. One person just had to do this for the others.
Inasmuch as a lot has changed to empower women and people of color, we are still a long way off from an ideal situation. Everyone should read this book to familiarize themselves with the new age racism and sexism.
I like that your book strives to wake up Americans on how they have been enslaved by their own sense of freedom. The time has never been better to bring up such issues.
Where can I order the book? This is definitely a must read for me.
Hi Zack,
Thank you for your interest in my book. It can be ordered on Amazon, who is running a sale, Barnes and Noble, Books-A-Million and other major book sellers. Thank you again!
I’m so excited about this new book. It touches on some very vital issues affecting our society.
This is so inspirational.Shows that we have to cut the stereotype.
I love this book and how inspiring it is. Its about time sexism women are subjected to is recognized and openly discussed.
What an incredibly powerful book, bravo to the writer. I love how she used her story to bring out issues women are facing today to light.
Janice you are doing a great job, seeking to bring equality to all. I wish most people could be humane this way. Life would have been alot better for the common man.
I will be sure to keep an eye for it if it reaches our bookstores here. It is available overseas right? If not an E- book perhaps?
Hi Jiffy,
Thank you for your interest in my book! It is available in hardcopy, paperback and E-book on Amazon, and other book sellers, internationally. You should be able to order a copy! Please let me know if you are not able to. Again, thank you!
This is like a good fight of faith continue fighting it and I’m sure posterity wouldn’t forget all your labout of love. It is well with all the black women.
I actually think that difference is slowly diminishing but it is not gonna be gone completely. You cannot control what people think. With that said it is ok to dream and pursue it. At the end you will be seen on how you got that dream and not by color.
No one needs to be marginalized based on their skin color or gender. Thank you for sharing your story. You are a beacon of hope to many.
I love a good non-fiction and inspirational book like this one. I’ll be sharing this with my book club 🙂
Thank you, Mercy! Amazon is running a sale on the book now. I an not sure how long it will last. Just wanted you to know. Thank you so much for your interest in reading and sharing my book!
America has everything to gain and nothing to lose by embracing the groups that form majority of its citizenry – women and people of color. I hope your book sparks the change that this country needs.
This is an inspiring story on all the difficulties faced by minority groups in the United States. It’s great to see people taking an interest in this.
It’s a good move to educate and create confidence in our women abilities. Women are underrated in most cases and moreover, when you are black it’s even gets worse.
Very wonderful to see such materials in store. It’s very important for everyone to take part in building this world, no matter your race, sex or region.
I’m not from the States, but I belive that empowerment is the key, we can fight the sexism and racism to bring better oppoprtunities to the next generations.
I wish that racism could just dissapear, it has been long fight but this problema has persist along the years. Is not eassy being a women in a world for men but is harder when racism is involved.
I’m also hopeful that From Liberty to Magnolia will help decent and fair-minded Americans and America as a nation—see how the country has been and continues to be enslaved by its own sense of freedom. I hope that it will help remedy all the bad rules instigated against the blacks.
The black women in the US have discriminated upon for a long time. it high time their struggles are exposed maybe by so doing a big stop can be put to all of the struggles. it just has to stop.
This issue of racism isn’t just for the blacks even people from other countries suffer it too. So it a call for a stop of inequality and overall injustices
I’m hoping and praying that that this book just achieve it main purpose. Nobody should be discriminated upon because of her skin color.iy just absurb .
As a woman of color I’ve always felt like I have to work twice as hard just to make it as much as the next person. I appreciate you for bringing our story to light 🙂
Your book is applicable in many aspects of society and not just people of color and women. This can be an inspiration to practically anyone that feels they are underprivileged in society.
Great work fighting for the rights of the underprivileged in society and being a voice for the voiceless. Your story will change a lot of lives!
This is a beautiful inspirational book that everyone should read. I wish it had a digital format that can be purchased as for me getting a physical copy is difficult since I’m not in the US.
Hi Peter,
Thank you for your interest in my book! You can order the E-book. All formats of the book are available on Amazon internationally as well as other book sellers. You should be able to get the book in the format you desire if you order it online. Thank you, again, for your interest!
The black women in the US are going through a lot the earlier a book like this is written, the better for the blacks. I hope this book will be available everywhere.
Hi Parry,
Thank you for your interest in my book. All formats of the book are available on Amazon, Barnes and Noble, Books-A-Million and other national and international book sellers. Thank you!
I have heard about what the blacks especially the women go through in America,I hope I will be able to get hold of this book to read its content. It will be awesome for me.
Hi Linda,
Thank you for your interest in my book. All formats are available on Amazon, Barnes and Noble, Books-A-Million and many other national and international book sellers. Amazon has a sale now. Not quite sure how long it will last. Just wanted you to know. Thank you, again, for your interest!!
This book has a very interesting topic and since it’s written by a woman I think this could have a greater impact. In many countries, discrimination is common to women especially to those of different race.
People who are racist should read this book. This book will let them learn how hard it is for people to achieve their dreams while being derailed by people who are against their color or race.
This is such an inspiration, not just to black but to women of all colors around the world- brown, white, yellow… We all strive for equality. Let us all keep fighting because it’s worth it. we’re all worth it.
Sadly as much as we want everything to be equal reality tells us other wise. I am not black but even I had to agree with this. At times we cannot control what people things even if it is on a color or race. I appreciate the fact that at least you are taking the right steps. It will be a hard battle but it is one worth fighting for.
Somebody mentioned Star Wars? Well it is true that it is now filled with messages that should not be there??? It is now a picture of a society where PETTY THINGS MATTER but those who really should are not. While yeah skin color is an issue back then. It should not be an issue now. Why even brand it as a black dream. green dream or even white dream??? Last time I check dreams depends on skill, heart and even luck not color.
This is a good fight you just have to keep on fighting I’m sure years to come you will be glad you did. Kudos to you.
You summed it up beautifully – the American dream should be available to everyone. I honestly couldn’t agree more.
I’m in love with this book – the social commentary is phenomenal. It’s right up there with Obama’s audacity of hope.
Not a lot has been done to tackle the issue of women and people of color. Thankfully your book will stimulate this conversation.
I’m appalled by how a section of our society think that racism is very minimal now. If only they could live a day in a black woman’s shoe.
This book seems to be worth reading for the spring. I think we will look deeper into the struggles and inspirations.
This book is really promising and I’m sure alot of people will love to read it. I think believe in the America dream and I’m sure all be well soon.
This book is surely filled with inspiration and words of empowerment. How I wish racist would stop and change their points of view about other races. It’s not good being so mean to other people, as we are all humans made by one God.
I think this is good not just for black but for those who seeks equality. I for one is on a 3rd world country so it can also be a thing for me. Yes I may mot be a black but these issues are present in my area as well.
Does it have an E-Book version? Or a website? being in bookstores can be a drag so may as well read it on digital format. I love the foundation and the message behind it.
Hi Miaka,
Thank you for your interest in my book. It is available online on Amazon, Barnes and Noble, Books-A-Million and other national and international book sellers. Thank you!!
Keep fighting the good fight Ellis. Our children and children’s children will one day look back and applaud you for this!
Janice you’re a true inspiration to many and I’m grateful for your efforts to bring about equality. You make me still believe in the American Dream.
The American dream belongs to all American citizens. It doesn’t matter if they are black or white, male or female, straight or otherwise!
I would love to read your book. The fact bthat it is based off your experience just makes it that much better :))
Hi Irene,
Thank you for your interest in reading my book. Amazon is running a great sale on all formats of the book. Not sure how long it will last. Just wanted you to know. Thank you again!!
This is a great resource to knowing how people judge a person. People judge a person when they first see you based on how you look, color, race. This tells how looks can put someone in a pedestal once lived accordingly.
As a man, I strive to educate myself. I am all for equality, and I continue to dream of that ideal world where no one has to suffer racism and sexism.
Can’t believe that we’re still troubled with racism and sexism. It’s already the digital age, I hope everyone becomes and stays informed and not detached to our realities.
The black woman has always been the subject of sexism and it has always been embarrassing too, I hope this book brings to bare all that the black woman goes through in America.
Even just by reading the title itself it seems like a deep book to read. Racism and gender are matters that are deeply rooted in our societies.
Nothing hurts like being qualified and competent for something only to be marginalized because of your gender or skin color. I love this book and I hope more and more people awaken to the sad reality of racism that still exists to this day.
I’m glad women are getting empowered more and more everyday with their rights being acknowledged more lately. It’s a good trend and soon equality will prevail
Apart from racism as we know it, there is also colorism among black people. I hope this will be discussed soon enough too as it is getting worse.
This is a brave undertaking that should be applauded. A lot of times issues of racism and sexism are swept under the rag but it’s important we have a discussion about the same.
Racism is not cool anywhere. People should embrace their own skin and others’ as well.
Black people have had a really tough past huh? Hopefully with this book, people (especially women) can learn and fight against the racism.
I’m hoping those that really need to read this book gets to read. I hate racism and the earlier it is talked about the better.
Though racism affects both genders, but it has more impact on the woman than the men. There is already too much pressure on women to succeed.
Sounds like a very inspirational book. I believe we all have huge power in shaping America’s future and it’s books like this that send us in the right direction.
I like the fact that this book is geared towards promoting tolerance despite our racial or gender affiliations. It’s a small albeit very important step in making a better America for our children.
As a black woman I totally support this book and I can relate to most of the content. God bless the author for being a voice for us!
This powerful story should be adopted to a movie. More of the world needs to hear this story.
The book sure looks inspiring. I’ll be sure to grab a copy 🙂
Hi Roy,
Thank you, so much, for your interest in my book. Amazon is running a great sale on all formats right now. Not sure how long it will last, Just thought you should know. Thank you, again, for your interest!!
This should be shared to promote more awareness. Although that color line is still there, over the years it has been diminishing. This book can be a good start for that.
I do not get why whenever we talk about something let alone dream color matters? In reality it does not it is only the society norms that made it an issue. Take star wars for example. A good movie and an Icon but what do we do we inject color, race etc issues on it that it is now bad. To me woman, gay black or white does not natter. I look at qualifications not petty stuff.
The book sounds promising, I don’t leave in the states but I have suffered the attack and pressure from society for been women, and for my ethnicity. I keep going because I like to think that I’m helping to make the difference for other women.
Hi Luisa,
Thank you for your interest in my book. The book is available on Amazon and other international book sellers. I hope you are able to get a copy in the format you desire. Thank you!
I’d love to read this book. I think there’s racism everywhere in the world and is a constant battle to find a place in a world where intolerance to the differences, ethnicity, religion, culture etc, makes it hard.
Thank you for your interest in my book! Amazon has a great sale on all the formats. Not sure how long it will last. Just thought I would let you know. Thank you, again, for wanting to read it. I would love to know you thoughts about it!
I think the Black woman from this book should learn from the lead in this book not to give up at all no matter what it thrown at her.
A book about the scourge of racism and sexism in America. I think the Black woman should be given an opportunity to live without any prejudices.
I wish to lay my hand on this book..I’m not an american though but I know what blacks go through in the USA especially black women.. The musical icon Janet Jackson talked about walking into a store to buy clothes and how the whites working in the store were staring at her.Non moved to help nor ask her what she wanted.She felt embarrassed.That goes to show that even as a celebrity,you are still another black and can’t escape racism.
I hope the book gets into the right hands..people that can make things happen and change laws..Everyone is equal and must be treated equally.
Hi Obalade,
Thank you for your interest in reading my book! It is available on Amazon, and other international book sellers. Amazon has a great sale running now on all formats. I am not sure how long it will last. Just wanted you to know. I would love to know your thoughts about the book! Thank you again!!
Many have struggled without knowing what to do. I know it’s sometimes hard for women to reach peak of their dreams without much struggle. Having this kind of book and others, really encourages them and especially the younger generation.
This is a must read book for both sexes: I always like books about how racism and sexism make it difficult to achieve dreams and goals no matter how hard one work or prepare yourself if possible with it remedies to overcome.
I love this book since it has a true, powerful, and compelling story about the enduring scourge of racism and sexism in America. It is a personal account of how that bane of evil plays out in the lives of blacks and women despite the great promise of the American Dream being available to and achievable by everyone. Everyone needs to read this book.
There is a lot to learn from a book written from experience personnel. I like you attitude and the courage you posses. The book will indeed educate many.
I remember the movie hidden figures. Everyone is equal regardless of race, color and social status.
Well at least that’s how it’s supposed to be, but that’s a whole ‘nother story. Glad this post is opening up eyes and truly pulling back the covers of the ills that’s been going on in America for far too long.