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November 8, 2017Women Are Coming Together to Assert Their Power
Whether it was the Women’s March on Washington after the Inauguration of Donald Trump as President of the United States in January or the Women’s Convention in Detroit in October, women are coming together to assert their power.
If you thought that the March on Washington in January was a media event that would fade as quickly as the media coverage, then you may not be aware of what has been occurring since. Many women from cities and towns across the country—young, middle age, and older—have been meeting, huddling, and engaging in activities during the last nine months. They have kept the spirit and momentum of what appears to becoming a new women’s movement.
Women are coming together to assert their power, in many ways, from college campuses, the workplace and the communities in which they live.
The Women’s Convention in Detroit was the first of its kind in forty years. The last such convention occurred in Houston in 1977. The Detroit convention of about 5,000 women had a multi-fold purpose. First, and foremost, organizers wanted to make it clear that women are coming together to assert their power. The emphasis was on how black women, white women, Latino women, and Asian women must not only speak in a strong unified voice, but also, must work together to realize meaningful change and progress.

Women are Coming Together to Assert Their Power. Photo Credit: CommonDreams.org
Women, once again, appear to be uniting to exercise and ensure those inalienable rights of life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness that is the foundation of what being a citizen of the United States of America is all about. Issues that deal with gender inequality and racial inequality are front and center. Addressing these issues must be seen by actions at the ballot box. This unity of actions must be seen in every corner of the workplace.
To empower women to address gender inequality and racial inequality, many concurrent sessions and workshops were available during the three-day gathering. The subjects included how to be successful in community organizing, voter registration drives, running campaigns for elective office, and discussing critical issues like immigration, health care, sexual harassment and others that threaten the inalienable rights of life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness.
Women are coming together to assert their power. The question is will the momentum continue and gather enough steam, and to motivate enough women to do what they can to make a difference in the upcoming 2018 mid-term elections.
The quality of life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness might well depend on it.
Feature Photo Credit: thehuffingtonpost.com
I’m happy women are waking from their slumber to fight for all their rights and privileges. it will be forward ever for all women that need equal treatment for both males and females.
No more grounds for stereotypes against women because women are exercising their powers to change things.I hope nothing shall stand as an hindrance with this women assertion of power even in the near future.
Gender diversity is a subject of prime importance. Misogyny, racial or sexual abuse is a curse to the global society. A country flourishes only if its women have equal rights and respect as men.
I hope these leads to more women empowerment. Everyone has equal rights and it should be asserted as such.
It’s a good move anyway. However, this should not be for one time but be a trend
I hope that candidates running for govt office wouldn’t simply use the women empowerment campaign as a token. It should really be rooted in their cause, and not just to bring something to their platforms during election periods.
Nothing can stand against people asserting their power and women coming together in one voice gender and racial inequality will soon be dealt with.Time for women’s emancipation, liberation and empowerment is now.
Women empowerment is at its peak now. It’s just a matter of having a cohesive and united stand on pressing issues, and surely, the voices of women would be heard even more. Best also to have someone in the government who would actually live up the visions of women, and fight for women empowerment.
Yes,I believe women can maintain the steam to get the needed change for women’s wellbeing only if they still remain as one. If they continue to come together as a force to push and propel their dreams to the very end.
There are many sessions held for women. Ths will uplift the women’s status in society.
I am glad to see women standing up for their rights. It is important for them to assert that power in order to stop the cycle of abuse.
Yes the line between genders are becoming blurred as we speak. For me though, I never believed such line exist. Let us set things right hear each gender have there own assets and weakness. With that said, I never view that as gender inequality but rather just the norm of life.