Your Voice and Your Vote Determine Election Outcomes
September 23, 2018
In Search of the American Dream Being Black and Woman
February 15, 2019Do You Approve of What Is Happening in Washington
Do you approve of what is happening in Washington? Guess what? You have the power to change it. You really do. No, I am neither naïve, nor am I uninformed. What I do know is that too many of us have either given up, become cynical or disengaged.
We are our own worst enemy. We have chosen to accept defeat and let the powerful few make decisions, pass legislation and enact policies that are not is in our best interest. We have abdicated our responsibility to hold those accountable whom we have voted for and elected to represent our interests, our beliefs, our values.
Worse yet, too many of us have decided not to vote at all and throw away our individual power. Let it simply be wasted. What is your answer when asked: Do you approve of what is happening in Washington? What steps are you taking to do something about it?
Elections have grave and lasting consequences. We see and hear about actions of elected officials playing out in the White House, in the halls of Congress every day. Many are not in the best interest of millions of American if not downright detrimental, whether it relates to health care, unequal access to education, justice, jobs…. You name it.
You can bring about needed changes through your vote. Change the decision makers. Change who you send to Washington to represent you.

Do You Approve of What Is Happening in Washington? Photo Credit: gustavofrazao
Every vote counts. Every vote leads to victory for someone. If you vote for the wrong person or do not vote at all, you are still contributing to what goes on in your government at all levels. Imagine the President and members of Congress making decisions that are not in the best interest of most of the citizens or the country, and we just complain and sit by and do nothing.
Do you approve of what is happening in Washington? If not, what are you willing to do about it?
We all love to sit back, complain, point fingers, wring our hands, but our displeasure often stops there.
Nothing will change. Nothing will get better unless we combine our collective voices and our collective vote. We do that by each of us taking time to get involved.
Feature Photo Credit: Bill Chizek