Coronavirus Is Sending Messages to Us All
November 28, 2021
We Can Control the Spread of Covid
January 9, 2022Make the Most of This Holiday Season
As the coronavirus comes roaring back, many of us are likely thinking how we can make the most of this holiday season. Just when we thought we were getting back to being able to have traditional gatherings and celebrations, we are facing maybe the greatest threat yet.
With the new omicron variant raging, threatening the unvaccinated as well a putting the vaccinated at risk, we are forced to rethink what we will be doing for Christmas as well as celebrating the new year.
What can we do to make the most of this holiday season?
Our answers could have both short-term and long-term consequences. Since we have been dealing with Covid for more than two years, it is very tempting to throw caution to the wind and celebrate these holidays as we always have. While that might give us temporary satisfaction, the later price could be very costly with more infections and deaths.
But the resurging virus is not the only challenge we face during this holiday season. We also must deal with higher prices on every front from food to gasoline prices. Plus, many consumer goods and products are unavailable because of lack of movement in the supply chain. These economic factors present more challenges as we try to make the most of this holiday season.
But do not despair. There are many things we can do.

Make the Most of This Holiday Season
Photo Credit: AlexRaths
First, we can use all the safe options available to us when it comes to gathering with family and friends. Know the health status of those we plan to be with—whether vaccinated or not. If it is not safe to gather, we can connect in other ways with telephone calls, cards, and letters, zoom meetings and facetime. Connecting is the main thing.
To combat the economic and financial challenges, in many ways we can use our creative talents, even those we thought we did not have—especially when it comes to giving personal gifts. In many ways, we have forgotten how precious and how much we value gifts that someone took the time to create themselves.
We can also make the collective decision not to exchange gifts this holiday season. We could opt instead to make a future holiday—like Valentine or Easter—more special than usual.
There are many ways we can make the most of this holiday season. We can make it fun.
While it may not be like holidays of old, this season can still be one of rejuvenation and renewal.