Make Sure You Will Be Able to Vote
January 17, 2022
To Teach Black History or Not
January 31, 2022America is at critical crossroads in many areas. As we try to gain a better understanding of the issues at hand, we must remain mindful that all news sources are not truthful. Sadly, many report only part of the facts or they distort and misrepresent what they report. We must seek and follow more than one credible and truthful news source.
Most of us cannot witness actions, events, policy discussions firsthand. We rely on the news media and outlets to keep us informed and to help us in deciding what our positions or actions should be in supporting a particular direction or policy.
But how can we know what to think or do when there are so much false and distorted information is being pushed every day on partisan radio and cable news stations, Facebook, Twitter, and other social media outlets.
As we are confronted by all these completing forces to influence our perceptions and behaviors, we must keep in mind that all news sources are not truthful.
More and more, the future of our form of government, and our very way or life will be based upon what we understand to be true when it comes to issues and problems that we need to solve like controlling the pandemic, improving race relations, protecting our basis right to vote.
For example, do you really believe that there was massive fraud in the 2020 election, when after numerous investigations by both Republican and Democratic state officials have proven that there was not? Sadly, all news sources are not truthful in reporting those facts. They have pushed a false narrative instead.
Another example, do you believe that your ability to cast a vote in the 2022 midterm election and other future elections is the same as it always has been? If you are 40, 50, 60, 70, or 80 years old or older, do you remember what ID you first used when you registered to vote? Well, new laws are being passed that will require you to confirm what ID you used when you first registered to vote.
Many states are changing voting requirements based upon lies and false reports about massive fraud in the 2020 elections. Many news outlets have played a major role in these efforts to suppress future voting by eligible and legal Americans. We desperately need to be able to trust news sources.
If for no other reasons, we need to be aware and remember all news sources are not truthful in what they are trying to get you to believe. Do not be fooled and led down a path that could change your quality of life. That could change America for the worst.
There are many areas that we need to be vigilant and smart consumers of what we read and hear. We need the precious right, Freedom of the Press, to always be a source of truth, and to reveal lies and not be a promoter of lies.
1 Comment
And yet here you are pushing what you believe to be truth on people who believe they know better. Why would you use the term massive fraud? Why not state that there wasn’t any fraud if that is what you think? But it has been proven that there was. Ballot harvesting? A woman is in jail in Arizona convicted of that. Why stop counting the votes? Why after a plumbing incident that had the poll monitors sent home,reopen those same polls with different monitors? I am thinking that you swing left…and I may be perceived as swinging right…but really…I just think that us as Americans are entitled to fair elections.
And as far as remembering what Id we use to register to vote…most elections call for reregistering so whatever id has our present address on it should be sufficient.
You peeked my interest with the image of factchecking but I see you.