Nationalism Is Surging Amid Unprecedented Globalization
October 17, 2019
Is President Trump Guilty Or Not Guilty
January 12, 2020During this divisive time in our nation, what would happen if we all paused to focus on the values that make America great? What would happen if we put our political, partisan, and selfish issues aside and focus on what is best for this country? We are at a critical crossroads. The very fabric of what defines America seems to be unraveling in front of our very eyes.
Even though America is far from perfect, there have been values that we, as citizens, have adhered to. We value individual rights. We value freedom of speech. We value equal opportunity. We value representative government, where we expect those that we vote for to function in the best interests of ourselves, families, communities, and yes, our country! We value patriotism and love of country.
These are just a few of the values we honor and respect. There are many more outlined in our Bill of Rights, and the Constitution of the United States. During this very partisan and potentially destructive time in our nation’s history, we need to take time to revisit and discuss these critical documents. We need to do so with our family, friends, and in community forums.
We need to focus on the values that make America great during a time when they seem minimized or forgotten. If we fail to do so, we may find ourselves vulnerable and carried on a path that will not be good for this country nor its citizens.

Focus On The Value That Make America Great. Photo Credit: Wavebreakmedia
Most of us value honestly and integrity from elected officials and government employees just as we do from others that we interact with as we go about our daily lives. During these impeachment hearings, and the divisive, false, impartial information that surround them, out attention to truth and values are more important than ever. Listen critically. Focus intently.
Passive, intermittent attention to what is occurring is simply not enough. Focus on the values that make America great.
Are the principles and practices that you value still being upheld by those in leadership positions at the local, regional and national level of our governmental system? As difficult as it might appear, we cannot afford to turn a blind disinterest eye. There is too much at stake not to focus on the values that make America great. Especially now.
Not only is the quality of life as we know it at risk. How America will operate in the future is a stake. If you love America, as imperfect as it may be, promote and focus on the values that make America great.
Feature Photo Credit: EJ_Rodriquez
1 Comment
What a blessing you are to this nation ! I’m so proud to call you Cousin❤️