Are We Reclaiming or Losing What Made America Great
June 30, 2018
Your Voice and Your Vote Determine Election Outcomes
September 23, 2018This Fourth of July Commit To Fight to Save the Soul of America
If you do not like where America seems to be headed, what are you prepared to do about it? This Fourth of July commit to fight of save the soul of America. It is up to us. There is a saying that your actions or inactions either make you a part of the problem or a part of the solution. We the people must fight to save the soul of America.
If you think, at first glance, the statement that we must fight to save the soul of America seems a bit extreme, think again. There are many examples in history where certain propaganda and actions from leaders, along with a silent public, put a society on a slippery slope, which ultimately led to some of the worst human atrocities.
Allowing tyrants, whether self-appointed or inadvertently elected, to run roughshod over a society’s values, culture, principles, even long-standing laws of the land, while we watch in disbelief but do nothing is exactly what makes great civilizations disappear.
As we pause to celebrate our republic and the democratic principles and rights that define its existence, the very soul of who we are, we need to ponder whether a lot of what has made America great is now at risk. As you celebrate this Fourth of July commit to fight to save the soul of America. The power to do so resides in We, the people.
As you watch the blatant erosion of the quality of leadership, not only in Washington but in capitols all across America, do you think we the people need to use the power of our voices?

This Fourth of July Commit to Fight to Save the Soul of America. Photo Credit:
Are you concerned that our rights as citizens to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness is eroding? Based on the divisive rhetoric and proposed policies, are you happy and comfortable with where America seems to be heading?
If not, what are you willing to do about it? We, the people, have the power to determine what America is about, what sets us apart from other countries, and what makes us a great nation, a mediocre or heartless nation. What do you want your homeland to be about? How do you want it to be known to your children, grandchildren?
How do you want America to be recognized in the world, for its goodness or baseness?
The essence, the soul, of a nation is ultimately defined by the values and behavior of its people. During this Fourth of July commit to fight to save the soul of America. We can do that by speaking up, speaking out and committing to vote for the right people with the right values and holding them accountable while they are in office. They must support policies that are consistent with what makes America a good, decent and great nation—as outlined in our Declaration of Independence.
This Fourth of July commit to fight to save the soul of America.
Feature Photo Credit: janicesellis.com
Thanks for the article. I´m not from North America, however, I have many friends who are from there. They are wonderful people very capable and determined what makes me feel a great admiration for their country and their patriotism. If people feel that the values and purpose are getting lost, they can always start by making changes from home, changing the way how they are, and contribute to be part of the solution
Change starts from the top. Change leadership that really believes in what America stands for.
One needs to be always proactive if you want something to happen in a certain way you imagine it. A proactive citizen does not complain, rather they do things that will help or change the course of the country. Besides, citizens are the ones who elect leaders, it is also the citizen’s job to help who they elect.
Awesome that you are trying to be a great voice out here, I hope this. Will make all the laid-back wake from their slumber and begin to work toward the progress of the country.Complaining and doing nothing wouldn’t cut it.All hands must be on deck.
Very powerful article. I agree, if we sit back and let tyrants dismiss the rights of other cultures we are going against the foundation of what makes a strong country. Together, united we are most powerful and capable of bringing in a brighter future. Even one person speaking out can reach several people and shape a more egalitarian society.
Every human needs a voice to speak on his/her behave. It’s crucial to help and push for change that will make a better place. It’s sometimes challenging but it’s for the good.
Real change starts at the local level. Instead of people just sitting back and waiting to cast their vote at the Presidential elections, they need to constantly take analysis and vote for people who will be controlling their government on a local level. This is more powerful and effective than many people realize.
This is very powerful, admirable and a wake-up call to each of us. It’s easy for people to complain and whine about how the government is being ran now, and how it has changed the landscape of American democracy and respect on basic human rights. Yet, that hard and challenging question remains: What are you going to do about it? Whines and complains won’t help. But how do we voice out our grievances? Should we resort to drastic measures? Is that the only way to go? Now that elections is coming near, we better start putting things in perspective — what do we want to happen for a nation?
Well stated, nothing can ever be done by sitting idle, people need to speak up and out too. The best bet is voting creditable people and holding them accountable to make sure all promises are carried out. Hope people get to read this.
it all begins with an individual taking the step to make a change
People like to voice their opinions in a laid-back attitude sometimes. Thir article carried a positive and a strong message.
It is similar to our own Day of Independence. Speaking of that, We owe it to the US so thank you…
I couldn’t agree with you more Janice. A lot of people like to sit back and talk and complain about matters, but like a great radio talk show host that I listen to often – Joe Madison says “What are you going to do about it?”. And this is so true and a challenge to us all, because without action there’s no change. Thank you for being a powerful voice on these important issues.