Choosing the Best Leaders to Govern
July 26, 2024
American Citizens Should Have Equal Access
September 20, 2024Will We Like the Emerging America?
Many proposed public policies will undo some progress we have made. Will we like the emerging America? Do you think the direction we seem to be headed will make life better?
Much of what we are witnessing in local and national politics goes beyond typical partisan policy differences and divides. There are real efforts to dismantle what America has purported to be about.
A land where all of its citizens have the same rights under the Constitution.
Some of the rhetoric and proposed policies in state legislatures and the U.S. Congress during the last decade are efforts to change that America in fundamental ways.
Will we like the emerging America?
One could argue that the “new” America that is struggling for dominance today has always been there. That there indeed have always been two Americas masquerading as one.
There is plenty of evidence.
Just look at the ongoing efforts in many states to limit, deny or make it difficult for qualified citizens, particularly minorities, to vote because of the continuing promotion of the Big Lie that the 2020 Presidential Election was riddled with false voting, and therefore stolen.
Based on these efforts, will we like the emerging America?

Will We Like the Emerging America?
(Photo by grayyounge/iStock Images)
There are many elected officials even to this day perpetuating the Big Lie either by accepting it, enabling it or refusing to deny it.
Blatant lies have been promulgated during the last four years by state and Congressional candidates and elected officials.
Fortunately, some states have made changes to improve the access and available times for voting for qualified citizens.
In addition to the regressive efforts to make voting more difficult, there are other trends gaining momentum — under the guise of partisan politics and policies—that are just as alarming. It begs the question: will we like the emerging America?
What about the penchant and growing trend for utter disregard and lack of adherence to the rule of law? The rule of law is the glue that holds a country and its government together especially a democratic republic like America.
If such blatant behavior is ignored, allowed and supported by other elected officials and governing institutions, how can the nation stand and survive?
It cannot.
We must be vigilant and continually ask will we like the emerging America?
What is certain, the current political dialogue is creating some very unsettling and muddled times, where focus on the issues and needs that should be addressed to make America stronger and better are getting lost.
Where the rule of the day among those elected officials who should be leading the way is to punch or throw a counter punch, lie or ignore a lie, deflect rather than face an issue head on.
Will we like the emerging America?
What does it all mean — short term and long term?
Portions of this commentary appeared in the Missouri Independent