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June 5, 2022Midterm Elections Need Our Votes More Than Ever
As we continue to see the behavior of some elected officials at all levels of government, it becomes increasingly clear that the 2022 midterm elections need our votes more than ever.
Will you be voting, beginning with the primary elections that start in May and go to mid-September?
We, the people, have the power and can change things, beginning with the upcoming 2022 Mid-term elections. Collectively, we can make a great difference. But each of us must do our parts.
It is very important that we actively get involved now, getting to know the candidates, what they stand for, who they are aligned with, and determine are they likely to make things better for you, your family, your community, your city, your state, and your nation. Just think about it, the midterm elections need our votes more than ever.
Once you have made an assessment of who you are supporting and will vote for, that is great. But all of us need to do more.
We must understand how every elective office can potentially impact other offices in one way or the other. Political attitudes, actions, and the policies and legislation that result are directly or indirectly connected. No matter what seats are open in your area, all of the midterm elections need our votes more than ever.
We cannot expect to see changes for the better if we do not play our part in trying to make that need change happen.
Often, many of us do not bother to vote in the primary elections, choosing to cast our vote in the final election, which occurs on November 8 this year. But when you consider what is happening in your state and Congress, do you think the midterm elections need our votes more than ever?
Look at the great opportunities to do so. In Congress, 35 of the 100 Senate seats, and all 435 seats in the House of Representatives are up for re-election. At the state level, there are 39 governors up for election, and many other state and local offices where needed change can occur. Clearly, the midterm elections need our votes more than ever.
Too often, we become disgusted by what we are seeing taking place and feel powerless. We think our vote will not make a difference. But that is far from the case. Major changes have only occurred in this country through the power of the vote.
Our vote is a powerful weapon if we use it. It can change what is happening in your state and this country.
All midterm elections need our votes more than ever.